Wits-TUB Urban Lab workshop October 2020
Throughout the Wits-TUB Urban Lab project four thematic areas were identified as challenges in educational programmes aiming at the capacitation of urban managers: Politics and Policy of the Urban, Understanding Complex Urban Systems, Managing Change Processes, and Co-producing Knowledge between Theory and Practice. For those reform fields, suggestions for curricula including pedagogical approaches and academic resources were developed. Together these modules shall provide an orientation for the educational practice in the field of urban management as well as a basis to discuss the development of urban management education in African institutions of higher education. The objective of the workshop is the critical reflection of the four reform fields and how they could inform pedagogies in specific institutional con-texts by bringing together educators from a variety of universities across the African continent and beyond. Furthermore the workshop provides a forum to disusss avenues for the further development of educational approaches and explore ways to disseminate these.